網路自由小聚 [11月] - GFWatch: 中國防火長城 DNS 審查與監控的測量平台 A Longitudinal Measurement Platform Built to Monitor China’s DNS Censorship at Scale

網路自由小聚 - 2021 年 11 月

GFW (Great Firewall, 防火長城) 是中國透過阻擋 DNS 和其他各種方式,對其境內的網路使用者進行大規模網路審查和監控的防火牆。Open Technology Fund 資助的 GFWatch 專案,花了一年多的時間,對 50 多億個 DNS 域名進行測試,試著觀察和分析這個防火長城的原理、運作、特性和如何過濾域名,並對全球釋出這份研究報告。

不只是中國用戶,各界都有可能面臨對到這樣的防火牆和 DNS 過濾以及阻擋的方式來限制網路存取。中國防火長城不只阻擋中國網路用戶存取牆外資訊,本研究也發現,中國防火長城使用 DNS 汙染的方式阻擋內容,亦會影響全球的網際網路使用者的安全和隱私。

本活動將邀請 GFWatch 研究專案的作者 Nguyen Phong Hoang 來分享,並討論一般使用者和 DNS 營運商如何彌補中國防火長城 DNS 汙染造成的資訊安全和隱私問題。


China’s sophisticated filtering system, known as the Great Firewall (GFW), is the region’s biggest impediment to the freedom of information. The GFW is built by the Chinese government and is continuously developed to serve their political interests. In this report, we introduce the design of GFWatch, a large-scale longitudinal measurement platform that informs the public about how GFW censorship changes over time and its negative impact on the free flow of information.

In this meetup, we invite GFWatch’s author Nguyen Phong Hoang to share and discuss the research with us. This sharing will be in English, with consecutive interpretation to Mandarin Chinese.



*We are very hospitable to attendees overseas, please register and we will send you an online participation link.

-------   活動共筆 https://hackmd.io/75rmGtgfRe2UhKCYpIRc3Q -------






Hi,這是台北的 Coffee and Circumvention

是一個由 "Internet Freedom Festival (IFF)" 發起,串聯全球各城市的網路自由社群聚會。


This is the Taipei City Page for Coffee and Circumvention, monthly, community-run, meetup that happens simultaneously in various cities throughout the world - on the third Thursday of every month. It brings together technologists, artists, journalists, citizens and others interested in digital rights, online privacy and security, and open technology.




摩茲工寮 / 台北市八德路一段94號3樓


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2021/11/11 00:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/19 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
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2021/11/11 00:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/19 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
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