了解網路自由從網路健檢開始 - Mozilla 網路健康報告
How to know “Internet Freedom”? Let's diagnosis the internet's health first - Mozilla Internet Health Report
Hi,這是台北的 Coffee and Circumvention。 是一個由 "Internet Freedom Festival (IFF)" 發起,串聯全球各城市的網路自由社群聚會。 未來,每個月第三個週四與多個城市同時舉辦,由社群自發組織的定期聚會。我們歡迎學生、上班族、科技人士、藝術家、記者或任何對數位人權、網路隱私、網路安全以及開放科技有興趣的朋友加入我們。 |
近年來,台灣多個社群組織相繼提起有關「網路自由」的相關討論,但是我們很少有機會能深入討論什麼是網路自由以及其重要性。台北網路自由小聚希望能吸引夠多對此議題有興趣的朋友,並激起更多討論,故小聚 #1 將聚焦於診斷網路健康度之報告回顧與討論。
Mozilla 網路健康度報告是一個年度報告,分析了網際網路所面臨的威脅與機會、個人使用體驗與國際議題等。去年報告中討論了關於物聯網的隱私以及社交網路的主導性。在這次小聚中,我們一同回顧去年報告中最精彩的幾篇故事。
最後,我們將邀請我們小聚的組織者之一 Jeremy 來分享 Deflect。Deflect 是一個網路安全服務及抵禦 DDoS 攻擊服務,提供世界各地的公民人權組織免費的保護,維護網路與言論自由。
This is the Taipei City Page for Coffee and Circumvention, monthly, community-run, meetup that happens simultaneously in various cities throughout the world - on the third Thursday of every month. It brings together technologists, artists, journalists, citizens and others interested in digital rights, online privacy and security, and open technology.
Many topics related to “Internet Freedom” are raised in Taiwan among different communities, however, we merely talk deep enough about what is Internet Freedom and why it is important. Start from Taipei City, start from a small meetup. We hope to involve more people to push the concept further and generate ideas. The 1st meetup will began at diagnosing the Internet's health.
Mozilla Internet Health Report (https://internethealthreport.org) is an annual report talking about what’s helping and what’s hurting the internet. It discuss different aspect of Internet, from personal experience to global concerns. In last year's report, we discuss issues from privacy of IoT to domination of Social Network. In the meetup, we will go through the report and discuss some of the most interesting stories from this year's report.
In addition, one of of organizer Jeremy, a Deflect web developer who works for eQualitie, will give a brief introduction about Deflect. Deflect is a free website security service defending civil society and human rights groups from digital attack, especially DDoS attacks.