Greenhost 如何建立獨立且開放的雲端主機平台?主題二:網路資源及路由管理: IP, AS Number, DNS

English below.

OCF 不定期與國際友人合作,在台灣舉辦推廣開放文化的活動。本次由來自阿姆斯特丹的主機託管商 Greenhost 的創辦人 Mart 來進行三場經歷真槍實戰後所建立一座主機託管服務商的分享,預計將會針對不同的基礎建設拆分成 3 場精彩的內容,於 2/25 起每週一晚上舉辦:


本次分享將會分享 GreenHost 上千台服務器大型資料中心的建立心路歷程的和分享其建立時的具體考量及介紹

第二場:網路資源及路由管理: IP, AS Number, DNS


第三場:軟體 - 開源、閉源、企業版好貴


關於 Greenhost

Greenhost 是一家網路主機供應商 (hosting provider) ,總部位於阿姆斯特丹。他們是「綠的」主機供應商,資料中心、辦公室、電腦設備均使用節能永續的產品。除了提供商用服務之外,也以行動支持網路自由及開放原始碼,他們針對記者、非營利組織提供免費的「快速反應服務」,當線上服務遭受威脅時(例如駭客入侵或是 DDoS 攻擊),他們免費提供協助。他們也維護 Totem 線上資安學習平台、OpenAppStack (一鍵部署開源的線上檔案儲存、聊天、共享日曆、網站)、 雲端伺服器平台。

Mart 是 Greenhost 的創辦人,十分熟悉資料中心的營運及各種雲端運算技術。


協辦單位:Cloud Native Taiwan User Group

How to build an independent and open hosting provider

OCF works with international partners to promote open culture in Taiwan. This time we have invited Mart from Greenhost to give a series of talks. This series comprises 3 talks:

Part 1: Physical Infrastructure
Part 2: Internet Resources
Part 3: Software stack - Open Source, Close source, WTF is Enterprice

Greenhost is a hosting provider headquartered in Amsterdam. They are a “green” hosting provider, they use environment friendly equipments to operate. Other than offering commercial services, they also support internet freedom and FOSS actively. They provide “Rapid Response Service” for activists and journalists when digital security incidents occur. They also built the Totem online learning platform for digital security, OpenAppStack, an open source all-in-one solution for file storage, chat, calendar and website, and cloud server platform.

Mart is the founder of Greenhost. He is familiar will datacenter operations and cloud computing technologies.

This talk is in English, it will be consecutively interpreted into Mandarin Chinese.

Talk two: Internet resources

What are essential internet resources and what do they do. And why does it matter. There are serveral Internet Resources which are essintial in running (internet) networks. The most vital ones ar IP address (IPv4 and IPv6) and AS numbers.

How are those resources distributed and what is required to obtain those addresses. Especially with the depletion of IPv4 addresses it can be hard to obtain those resources, while it is essential to have them to run an independent network.

In this talk the organisations responsible for distributing internet resources are highlighted and their role in the internet landscape. These are organisations like ICANN/IANA, APNIC, RIPE etc.

Those are open organizations, and everybody can become member. What can you do as member.

Although the organisations are open, it is essential to keep those organization independent as well. Can this be done and how do governments interact with those organisations.

AS numbers are unique numbers playing an essential role in internet routing. AS numbers are used by the border gateway protocol (BGP). This is the core of the internet. It is explained how this works and explained how weak the protocol is. The protocol relies heavily on trust, creating a thread to the internet. How do ISP work with this trust issue and what possibilities are there to mitigate those.

One of the possibilities to mitigate the trust problem, is the use RPKI, a certification system for routing. Although it is a nice system, it creates new (mostly political) risks.

Next to AS and IP space, there are domain names. The Domain Name System (DNS) is crucial for a working internet for humans. Organizations like RIPE, APNIC etc, play a small role in the DNS system as well, but the overall policy is set out by ICANN and the local registries. It is different model than the structure IP and AS resources.

Like DNS there are serval threats. Explained is how DNSSEC can mitigate those, but how that causes again new threats to the internet.


Co-host: Cloud Native Taiwan User Group

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