法國&臺灣開放資料座談 FR-TW Open Data Forum

** 現場有中/英文口譯




Open Data, Data Governance, and Democracy:

Case Studies and the Shared Vision

法國是如何推動智慧城市? 並且推動全面的數位化變革? 在數位化的過程中,地方政府如何因應? 又如何影響民主制度?



法國來講 V.S. 台灣來講

這次講座,有兩位重量級貴賓來台,一位是巴黎市政府主導Smart City及負責官方數據的最高負責人,一位是知名學府巴黎政治學院的社會學家,致力研究於大數據及網路V.S民主相關領域,並且是法國數位化的代表人物。搭配台灣致力於在政策中導入資料分析的詹賀舜主委、專長資訊社會及科技的陳舜伶博士,並由g0v共同創辦人高嘉良擔任主持人,藉由兩國實際案例深刻探討:

  • 地方政府如何運用開放資料? /Open Data in Local Cities
  • 民主和網際網路是如何相輔相成?或彼此牽制? / Internet Democracy
  • 開放資料及公眾行動透明化: 民主的課題?/Open data & transparency of public action:  an issue for the democracy?
  • 以開放資料提升公民能力: 數據用於民主黑客松的案例/ Empowering citizens thanks to open data: an example of data for democracy hackathon 

** 現場開放報名,但已預先報名者優先


主持人簡介 Moderator:


高嘉良 CL Kao

g0v發起人之一,喜歡寫程式、泡 ♨。參加 1997 年國際資訊奧林匹亞後,進入台大資訊系就讀,即活躍於國內外開放源碼社群,隨後旅居英國倫敦從事軟體開發及顧問工作。2012 年發起g0v.tw 計畫。



與談人簡介 Speakers:


Jean-Philippe CLÉMENT

Clement是巴黎市政府首席數據官,他其中一項重要工作,是將資訊系統中不同來源的各類數據整合,並發展出可以使數據互通的新方案。Clement 也是Netpolitique的創辦人,這是一個線上公共參與平台,主要任務是在網路上研究並推動政治及公眾活動。Clement之前曾擔任巴黎市”Smart City”智慧城市專員。畢業於ESSEC商業學院。

Jean-philippe Clément is chief data officer of Paris City Government. One of his top priorities is to bring together various sources of data from the information system and to develop a new approach of mutualizing data. He is the founder of Netpolitique, an online public engagement which the objective is to study and promote political and public events on the internet. He previously worked as coordinator of Smart City mission at Paris City Government and he graduated from ESSEC Business School.


Dominique CARDON

Dominique 是一位社會學家,目前任職於Science Po. (巴黎政治學院),擔任Medialab負責人,Medialab主要任務是幫助社會學家和人文學者,讓他們得以了解並開始運用數位化時代的海量數據。Dominique之前在Orange Labs擔任研究員,也曾任EHESS (巴黎高等社會科學研究院) 的助理教授。Dominique出版了”La Democratie Internet(網路及民主)”一書也寫了非常多不同面向的文章,他是法國數位化的代表人物。畢業於Science Po. 

Dominique Cardon is a sociologist and director of Medialab at Science Po. Established in 2009, Medialab helps social sciences and humanities to take full advantage of the huge amount of data made available by digitization. Dominique previously worked as a researcher at Orange Labs, and was an associate professor at the Center for Studies of Social Movements (EHESS). He wrote La Democratie Internet and many other articles, and he’s a figure of digitalization in France. He graduated from Science Po.



詹賀舜 Chan Ho-shun


Chairman Chan is an enterprising leader at the department of Research And Evaluation Commission in Taoyuan City Government. Firstly, he is in charge of Taoyuan City Government policy research and assessment. Secondly, he is in charge of Taoyuan Smart City development and civic participation planning and implementation. Most important of all, he is the essential contact person of Taoyuan City Government toward Central Government.  Chairman Chan developed the methods of using government data efficiently ; enhanced municipal efficiency and solved problems. 


陳舜伶 Dr. Shun-Ling Chen


Dr. Shun-Ling Chen is an assistant research professor at the Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica. She works in fields where society, information technologies and the legal system intersect. In particular, she is interested in the allocation of resources related to intellectual property laws. She spent years studying the development and enforcement of communal norms in on-line peer-production communities, as well as how these communities negotiate externally with established institutions. She received her S.J.D. from Harvard Law School. 

議程 Agenda

13:30  入場及報名  / Registration

14:00-14:10  開場致詞  / Opening

14:10-15:30  分享 (每位講者20分鐘) /  Sharing

  1. Jean-Philippe CLÉMENT,
  2. Chan Ho-shun,
  3. Dominique CARDON,
  4. Dr. Shun-Ling Chen,

15:30-16:10 開放討論 / Open Discussion

16:10-16:40 觀眾提問 / Q&A 



臺大醫院國際會議中心 402A / 100台北市中正區徐州路2號


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2018/04/11 12:00(+0800) ~ 2018/04/21 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
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