民主直接點?數位空間 / Democracy à la Carte? Digital spaces


你知道巴黎市 5% 的預算是由市民決定嗎?包括都市空間、街道藝術、共同工作空間等十五項計畫,也讓大家公開追蹤計畫執行!台北市資訊局為何有點宅?



  • 計劃主持人現身說法,分享市府團隊全體 E 化的祕訣!
  • 公民選出十五項市政計畫,迎接環保潮流!

來自社會企業的 Julien Antelin,進入巴黎市政府後,擔任副市長辦公室主任,也是巴黎參與式預算計畫的主要推手。除了公民參與之外,他也負責市政府的開放資料、青年政策、網路溝通,以及市政府與民間社群的互動。


自六月底,接連的八仙塵爆與風災應變中,台北市政府首次主動和社群聯繫、提供災情相關開放資料,突破官僚框架,直接與民間社群實戰協作,在 12 小時內推出傷患查詢,有效提昇反應速度。過程中社群有十數人投入參與,李維斌局長將告訴你幕後故事。




Note: The talks will be in the speaker's respective preferred language (English and Mandarin). Transcription for Mr Antelin's talk will be projected in real time.


Speakers / 講者


  • Julien Antelin

    巴黎市副市長辦公室主任 / Chief of Staff for Pauline VÉRON, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of local democracy

    Julien 在加入巴黎市政府團隊前,曾在法國及哥倫比亞的微型貸款領域工作。現今為巴黎市副市長辦公室主任,主導社區自治、公民參與、社團經營、青年就業等業務,並監督其執行成效:其中有巴黎市政府的第一個參與式預算的推動執行、青年政策的改革、改善就業、並提升公民參與度的相關政策。

  • Julien Antelin a travaillé dans la micro-finance en France et en Colombie avant de rejoindre la Ville de Paris. Il est aujourd’hui directeur de cabinet de l’adjointe à la Maire de Paris chargée de la démocratie locale, de la participation citoyenne, de la vie associative, des jeunes et de l’emploi. Il supervise l’ensemble des sujets de la délégation, dont notamment la mise en place du premier budget participatif parisien, la réforme de la politique jeunesse et de la politique en faveur de l’emploi et le développement des nouveaux dispositifs destinés à favoriser l’engagement et la participation citoyenne.

    Chief of Staff for Pauline VÉRON, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of local democracy, citizen since April 2014 participation, associative life, youth and employment

    • Steering all subjects of the delegation, including the establishment of the first participatory budget in Paris, Parisian youth policy reform, Parisian public employment service reform and the development of new disposals leveraging the growth of social engagement and citizen participation.
    • Leader of negotiations for various political groups of the Council of Paris.
    • Monitoring of the transversal subjects: COP21, Euro 2016, Olympic Games 2024
    • Manager of a group of 9 team members
    • Development of Ms. Véron communication plan


  • 李維斌 / Wei-Bin Lee

    台北市資訊局局長 / Commissioner, Department of IT, Taipei City Government


  • Dr. Wei-Bin Lee is currently serving as the commissioner of the Department of Information Technology (DOIT) at Taipei City Government. The agency is responsible for the promotion and execution of Taipei City’s information technology-related policies and infrastructure deployments. Examples include the planning and promotion of “Smart City,” the implementation of open data platform, and the development of SmartPay (third party payment) Platform. A professor at the Department of Information Engineering & Computer Science at Feng Chia University, Dr. Lee possesses rich experience in teaching and conducting research. Dr. Lee specializes in the field of information security, including subjects such as cryptography, network security, and information security management. His papers appear frequently on internationally-renowned journals and publications. During his stint at Feng Chia University, Dr. Lee held posts including Deputy CIO and CIO of the school’s Office of Information Technology. He played an important role in the construction of campus IT infrastructure, helping Feng Chia University to become one of the top ranking schools in terms of establishing a ubiquitous campus.

Agenda / 議程

18:30 - 19:00
報到 / Registration
19:00 - 19:05 - BobChao
開場 / Opening
19:05 - 19:30 - Julien Antelin
19:30 - 19:55 - 李維斌 / W.B. Lee
19:55 - 20:20 - QA
20:20 - 21:00
閃電講 / Lightning talks


本活動由開放文化基金會、法國在台協會共同舉辦,g0v 社群國際交流團提供支援。

This event is hosted by Open Culture FoundationLe Bureau français de Taipei, and supported by the g0v community on international exchange.

「Democracy à la Carte? 民主直接點?」系列活動:(需另外報名

8/24(一) 民主與城市展望台大校友會館

8/25(二) 哲學星期五 « 青年參與 » /  台中市中區民族路35號

8/27(四) 民主的數位空間 (本活動)



☞ 立刻贊助國際交流計畫(含 15% 行政費用)

☞ 一般捐款及定期定額


NTU Alumni Association 4F / 台大校友會館 4 樓 / 台北市濟南路一段2-1號


票種 販售時間 售價
Regular Ticket

2015/08/15 00:00(+0800) ~ 2015/08/27 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

~ 2015/08/27 21:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
贊助票 - 贊助開放文化基金會進行國際交流合作

~ 2015/08/27 17:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$3,000