Citizen Online: 社會運動的數位危機與轉機

Citizen Online: 社會運動的數位危機與轉機


手機不離身的你,曾經想過它就是駭客入侵、政府監控的武器嗎 ?


今年八月,加拿大 Citizen Lab 與 Lookout 對 iPhone 的安全性漏洞提出令人震驚的報告。報告指出一個註冊在以色列且資金來自美國的公司 NSO Group,利用 iPhone 的漏洞,駭入著名人權工作者 Ahmed Mansoor 的手機。NSO Group 將駭客技術出售給各國政府,讓政府機關可以破解特定人物的手機,監控記者、人權工作者與社會運動人士。消息一出引起嘩然,蘋果公司緊急在十天內修補這個漏洞,並釋出更新 iOS 9.3.5。


公民科技 x 數位人權  x 資訊安全


數位科技究竟是 NGO 與社會運動者增加聲量、動員群眾的有利武器?還是一把將其暴露在政府監控下的雙面刃?當網路成為人們獲取資訊、參與公共事務的管道,NGO 與社會運動者要如何將運動的戰場轉移到社群網路上,且同時兼顧資訊安全,以確保參與公民的自由與人權呢?


開放文化基金會與加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處很榮幸邀請到多倫多大學 Citizen Lab 的創辦人 Ronald Deibert 教授,跨界資訊與 NGO 的雨蒼,和台灣資安專家呂守箴與我們分享在網路時代裡,NGO 如何迎接新的契機,又該如何應對可能的資安危機。


本次活動也開放五分鐘閃電短講(lightning talks),歡迎現場報名。


Earlier this August, the Citizen Lab and Lookout released a report, which disclosed a cyber attack targeted at renowned human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor via the vulnerabilities in iOS. In the report, the Citizen Lab pointed out that an Israeli-based company, NSO Group, sells spyware to governments to hack targeted persons. The Citizen Lab and Lookout reported the vulnerabilities to Apple, which soon released patches in iOS 9.3.5.


Do digital technologies help NGO workers and activists mobilize movements and facilitate campaigns? Or, do technologies expose them to state surveillance and digital attacks? While more and more NGOs and activists are empowered by digital technologies and deploy their movements onto the Internet, how could they ensure digital security and defend the freedom and rights of the participants and themselves?



講者 / Speakers


  • Ronald Deibert

    數位人權先鋒 Citizen Lab x Ronald Deibert 教授

    Ronald J. Deibert 是多倫多大學政治系教授與 Citizen Lab 的負責人。 Citizen Lab 長期關注全球電子科技與人權議題,在 2009 年參與著名的 Tracking Ghostnet 電子間諜揭露案,指出包含台灣在內的多國網路已遭中國駭客入侵,並在 2015 年針對中國境外網路審查武器 Great Cannon 進行調查報告。Citizen Lab 也在近期揭露 iPhone 手機的安全性漏洞,指出駭客如何輕而易舉地竊取 iPhone 手機資料。Deibert 教授撰有 Black Code: Surveillance, Privacy, and the Dark Side of the Internet (2013) 一書。他也獲得美國電子前鋒基金會獎章,以及安省勳章和英女王鑽禧紀念獎章等榮耀,表揚他關注在數位人權、網路開放與安全的成就。

  • Ronald J. Deibert is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto. The Citizen Lab undertakes interdisciplinary research at the intersection of global security, ICTs, and human rights. Citizen Lab has participated in the landmark Tracking Ghostnet cyber espionage (2009) and Great Cannon (2015) reports. Deibert is also the author of Black Code: Surveillance, Privacy, and the Dark Side of the Internet. Deibert has been awarded the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer award (2015). In 2013, he was appointed to the Order of Ontario and awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal, for being “among the first to recognize and take measures to mitigate growing threats to communications rights, openness and security worldwide.”

  • 跨界資訊-NGO-政府

    Billy is a free software programmer and civic journalist. He currently serves at Juridical Reform Foundation. With his long-term focus on party assets, he is selected as a member of Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee this August. He is an keen observer of civil society and endeavors to build a bridge between NGOs and digital experts.

  • 資安專家

    Openblue is an expert of cyber security. He is also a well-known lecturer, who has given workshops and talks to NGOs, governments and the general public. He is good at turning technical terms into plain language and educating people without technical background.

議程 / Agenda

19:00 - 19:30
報到 / Registration
19:30 - 19:40
開場 / Opening
19:40 - 20:00 - Dr. Ronald J. Deibert
主題演講:Opportunities and Risks of Digital Technology for Civil Society
20:00 - 20:20 - 雨蒼
主題演講:網路時代,NGO 該如何行銷理念?
20:20 - 20:40 - 呂守箴
20:40 - 21:10
交流與問答 / Panel Discussion & QA
21:10 - 21:30
閃電講 / Lightning talks




加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處 / 台北市信義區松智路1號6樓


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2016/09/14 12:00(+0800) ~ 2016/09/28 23:50(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料
贊助票 - 贊助開放文化基金會進行國際交流合作

2016/09/14 12:00(+0800) ~ 2016/09/28 23:50(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$3,000