網路自由小聚 [9月] :被竊聽的輸入法 Eavesdropped Input Method

擁有每月 4.55 億的使用者、且在中國大陸輸入法市佔 70% 以上、台灣也有接近兩成使用者的搜狗拼音輸入法,在近日被 Citizen Lab 的一份研究報告中披露,該輸入法因為智慧選詞的關係,會將使用者所輸入的每一個字,都傳回中國大陸的伺服器上,而這個回傳機制的加密設計不良,導致出現被網路竊聽的風險。



  • Jeffrey Knockel
  • Zoë Reichert


  • 日期:2023 年 9 月 27 日
  • 時間:19.30 - 21.00 UTC+8
  • 語言:全程英文,QA 時可協助翻譯提問 
  • 參與方式:可線上 (Big Blue Button) 或實體到摩茲工寮參與,線上參與者請在下面活動表單留下您的 email, 我們將以電子郵件通知線上參與連結。


Sogou Pinyin Input Method, which has 455 million monthly users and accounts for more than 70% of the input method market in China and nearly 20% of the users in Taiwan, was recently disclosed in a research report by Citizen Lab that because of its intelligent word selection, the input method sends every word typed by users back to the servers in China, and the encryption design of this return mechanism is poor, leading to the risk of being eavesdropped on the Internet. The encryption design of this return mechanism is weak, resulting in the risk of eavesdropping on the Internet.

After reacting with the developer of the input method, a corrected version of the input method appeared on the official website immediately. But, can you really use it without any worries? This time, we will discuss with the researchers online, welcome to bring your research, tips and questions to participate with us!


  • Jeffrey Knockel
  • Zoë Reichert


  • Date:2023-09-27
  • Time:19.30 - 21.00 UTC+8
  • Language:English,we can help translte your questions to English in the Q&A time.
  • Participation: Online (Big Blue Button) or offline participate in the MozTW Space (Address listed above) 



大家一起來小聚聊聊,認識更多全球重要網路自由課題 !!!!!!

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