網路自由小聚 [8月] :香港網路審查現況&善用 OONI 察覺網路監控


Netalitica 總監 Igor Valentovitch 研究了 2020 年 1 月到 2022 年 12 月期間,運用 OONI Probe 工具,分析了涵蓋如社交網路及新聞媒體多個種類的 613 個網址。「OONI Probe」是一款用於進行一系列網路測試的行動應用程式,旨在記錄全世界互聯網審查的情況。在這次研究中,有 OONI 的測量顯示異常結果,反映香港的互聯網用戶在某些情況下有機會遇到了網站封鎖。

Igor 將在此次的網路自由小聚中分享他研究的主要發現,同時與我們分享香港網路審查情況。這次活動也邀請了來自 OONI 的 Maria Xynou,她將教授使用 OONI 監察網路審查的技巧。

  • 最近在香港有哪些類型的網站被封鎖? 
  • 封鎖情況有多普遍?
  • 封鎖的內容來源是全球還是本地網站?
  • 如何使用 OONI MAT 監測互聯網審查?
  • 問答交流環節 - 包括使用 OONI 時會遇到的困難。


  • Igor Valentovitch:Netalitica 總監。Netalitica 是一個維護有關網際網路過濾資料庫的研究組織。
  • Maria Xynou:OONI 網際網路審查研究員兼夥伴關係主任。


  • 日期:2023 年 8 月 23 日
  • 時間:19.30 - 21.00 UTC+8
  • 語言:英文,配合廣東話翻譯
  • 參與方式:可線上 (Big Blue Button) 或實體到摩茲工寮參與,線上參與者請在下面活動表單留下您的 email, 我們將以電子郵件通知線上參與連結。

Since the enactment of National Security Law, the creeping internet censorship casts uncertainty over the future of Hong Kong’s free and open internet, raising fears that Beijing’ “Great Firewall” is coming to the city. In 2021, an internet service provider (ISP) admitted for the first time that it had prevented users from accessing HKChronicles.com in order to comply with the legislation. Since then, several political websites, such as the “Hong Kong Charter” and "8964 Museum" have been reported to be censored. As a journalist or a member of the civil society, how can we monitor the situation of internet censorship? Apart from the known cases, is there a way to find websites that are being secretly censored?

Igor Valentovitch, director of Netalitica, has conducted a comprehensive study on Internet filtering in Hong Kong from January 2020 to December 2022. Using a database of 613 URLs, representing various aspects of social life, such as human rights or social network, they tested accessibility with OONI probes, leading network measurement tools. Abnormal results from OONI probes suggest that Internet users in Hong Kong might have experienced website blocking in some of those instances.

Join us and discover the intriguing findings and potential website blocking in Hong Kong in the webinar. Don't miss the guest speaker - Maria Xynou from OONI, who will demonstrate how to monitor website blocking using OONI MAT in your country.

What to expect

Some of the questions that the presenters will answer include:

  • What type of websites have been blocked lately in HK?
  • How prevalent is the blocking?
  • What is the origin of the blocked content – global vs. local websites?
  • How to use OONI MAT to monitor for internet censorship? The speakers will answer questions you might have to start your own measurements.


  • Igor Valentovitch: Director at Netalitica - research organization that maintains databases (test lists) for investigating internet censorship worldwide.
  • Maria Xynou: Internet censorship researcher and Partnerships Director of OONI


  • Date: 23rd August 2023
  • Time: 19.30 - 21.00 UTC+8
  • Language: English with Cantonese interpretation
  • Participation: Online (Big Blue Button) or offline participate in the MozTW Space (Address listed above) 



大家一起來小聚聊聊,認識更多全球重要網路自由課題 !!!!!!

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摩茲工寮 / 台北市中正區八德路一段 94 號 3 樓


票種 販售時間 售價

2023/08/04 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/08/23 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費