Digital Citizenship Seminar: Identify Threats and Build up Defense
根據 2022 年 Freedom House 的網路自由報告指出,全球網路自由度每況愈下,且各國政府正在切割和擴張個別的網路疆域,以求更多可自我控制的線上空間。尤其在亞太區域,數位威權主義擴張之下,藉由數位科技對人民的壓制不僅使其自由空間越趨限制,更是跨越傳統的疆界加大其受迫害的範圍。「數位壓迫」已經是一個具體的事實和專有名詞,其中更涉及兩國政府、跨國企業、經濟利害關係人等,使之已非一國之力可以應對和反抗的壓迫。
The 2022 Freedom House report states that global internet freedom is declining, with governments creating and expanding their own online territories to gain more control over their citizens and the internet. This phenomenon is also occurring in the Asia-Pacific region, where digital authoritarianism not only suppresses people living in totalitarian states, but also affects citizens in other countries with better internet freedom.
This seminar aims to support citizens and civil society in strengthening collaboration and proposing a global mechanism to protect and against cross-border digital oppression. Our invited guests, including Mr. Charles Mok, Mr. Yung-Cheng Kao, and international civil society organization workers, will speak on this topic.
1場演講 x 1場對談 x1 場多邊講座
本論壇將以「數位公民防禦」作為核心軸,特邀請到國際知名學者 - 莫乃光 Charles Mok 與 國家人權委員會 高涌誠 委員,與國內外公民組織工作者,一同以台灣為出發點,探討如何透過數位治理、認識數位威權和跨界跨域合作,發揮台灣民主和公民力量的優勢,與不同領域一起抵禦數位脅迫。
One Speech x One Talk x One Panel
This seminar will first introduce the main concept of digital authoritarianism, followed by a talk between Mr. Charles Mok and Mr. Yung-Cheng Kao, to further discuss how citizens can participate in political affairs to build up digital resilience for Taiwan based on their own experiences. Finally, we will invite representatives from international non-profit organizations in Taiwan to introduce their work and discuss building international alliance in the Asia-Pacific region. They will also share their perspective on Taiwan's role in this context.
活動資訊 Seminar Information:
🖱主辦單位 Orgnized by:開放文化基金會 Open Culture Foundation (OCF)
🖱時間 Time :2023 . 04 . 08 (Sat) 14:00 - 17:30
🖱語言 Language: 以中文為主,另外提供全程英語口譯。
Mandarin, but Mandarin to English Interpretation service provided
🖱費用 Fee:採報名制,不另收任何費用
Registeration only, there is no other fee required
🖱地點 Location:張榮發基金會國際會議中心 8 樓 801 會議廳
Chang Yung-Fa Foundation International Convention Center / 8F Room 801
(Google Map : https://goo.gl/maps/W7uh6tEjErnQ9FMS7)
🖱 與 OCF 聯繫 Contact:hi@ocf.tw
特邀講者 Invited Speakers :
莫乃光 (Charles Mok)
現於美國史丹福大學的全球數位政策中心擔任訪問學者,並任網際網路協會 (Internet Society) 受託人董事會成員,及 Tech for Good Asia 創辦人兼董事。曾兩度當選香港立法會資訊技術界議員 (2012-2020),1994 年創立亞洲最早期的網際網路服務供應商之一的 HKNet,並曾任香港網際網路協會創會主席、香港資訊科技商會會長、香港網際網路服務供應商協會主席等業界公職。
Charles Mok is currently a visiting scholar at the Global Digital Policy Incubator of the Cyber Policy Center at Stanford University, a member of Internet Society Board of Trustees, and the Director of Tech for Good Asia. He was a pioneering Internet entrepreneur that co-founded HKNet in 1994, one of the first local ISPs before, then becoming a legislator representing Information Technology sector in Hong Kong's Legislative Council from 2012 to 2020.
高涌誠 (Yung-Cheng Kao)
Mr. Kao is ombudsman, The Control Yuan, Taiwan Commissioner, National Human Rights Commission, and a Taiwanan expert in human rights theory and international human rights law. He has been tirelessly devoting himself to human rights and democracy advocacy: he served as Convener for the Covenants Watch, Member of the Board of Trustees for the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, Supervisor for the Amnesty International Taiwan, Chief Executive Officer for the Judicial Reform Foundation, and Member of Executive Committee for the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty. Mr. Kao is also a very experienced lawyer. He has held the post of Partner Attorney for Primordial Law Firm and Deputy Secretary-General for the Taiwan Bar Association.
主辦單位 Orgnized by:
開放文化基金會 (OCF)
財團法人開放文化基金會(Open Culture Foundation,簡稱 OCF)成立的主要目的,是希望能夠藉由法人組織的力量,協助台灣資訊軟體界的開放源碼社群,包含開放原始碼軟體、開放資料、開放政府三個主要領域的發展和應用。
Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is a non-profit organization. Through promoting open technology and cross-field collaboration, we continue to connect tech communities and other public and private entities in Taiwan. By doing so, we work to promote open co-creation and protect digital human rights, and thereby support a more transparent and inclusive digital civil society.