新科技新民主 / New Technologies and New Democracy

  • 2015/10/04(周日) 13:00(+0800) ~ 17:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 臺大法律霖澤館—1301多媒體教室(3 樓) / College of Law, National Taiwan University Room 1301, 3F / 台灣大學法律學院霖澤館 3 樓
  • 44 / 80
  • 開放文化基金會 聯絡主辦單位

新科技新民主 / New Technologies and New Democracy


「開放國會宣言」共有全球 76 個國家的國會監督團體共同簽署,要求代議制度以及議事進行更為透明,其背後的推手正是 Andrew Mandelbaum。他過去曾擔任美國民主基金會的研究員,非常了解國際在使用新科技於民主上的各種嘗試與趨勢,例如:




經歷過許多新科技的民主實驗,Andrew 對於其中的挑戰與秘訣,都能如數家珍、一一道來。





[講者強調] 這場分享你應該聽不到成功經驗,但絕對可以聽到在公務體系中,夾在民眾與政府機器間,公務員對於進步的渴望,以及到底絆住他們的是什麼樣的困境。





New Democracy Around the World: Finland, Morocco, UK

Andrew Mandelbaum is the key advocate behind The Declaration on Parliamentary Openness — signed by parliamentary monitoring organizations (PMOs) across 76 countries, it calls for increasing transparency on representative democracy and its progress. As a former researcher in National Democratic Institute (NDI), he is well familiar with different approaches and trends on bringing new technologies and democracy together across countries, such as:
  • The Open Legislation experiment of Finland, where netizens produced bill proposals in a 3-step experiment before handing over to the Congress.
  • The rise of civil rights awareness of Morocco after Arab Spring in 2011, where crowds gathered on streets, demanding constitutional reformation on restricting the king's power. The referendum result reflected the electors' will at last, followed by peaceful constitution reformation and the revision of criminal code this year.
  • How the United Kingdom Cabinet adopts open standards and Open Document Format (ODF), while dealing with the transition from proprietary format, to decrease public sectors' dependency on mega-company products.


180 days in Ministry of Health and Welfare: Blood and tears on netizen communication

Imagine a bill opposed by over 10,000 individuals on the Internet, right before its second reading — how do you start the dialogue, with each netizen voicing their own gripes? How to raise awareness on a bill not yet drafted, where possibilities are big, but public interests are lukewarm?
Freshly joined the administrative branch this March, Peggy Luo will share her observations and thoughts throughout the 180 days in Ministry of Health and Welfare, based on her experiences on Medical Disputes and Incident Compensation Act and Long-term Care Dual Act (Long-term Care Service Act and Long-term Care Insurance Act).
[Speaker emphasizes] You might not hear successful experiences in this session, but the voices of civil servants — stuck between the government and the people, their desire to make progress, and the plight preventing them from do so — is guaranteed to feature in this talk.

Note: The talks will be in the speaker's respective preferred language


Speakers / 講者


  • Andrew Mandelbaum

    Simsim- Participation 共同創辦人 / Cofounder, SimSim-Participation Citoyenne

    Andrew 是監督國會及加強國會運作能力的領域性專家,過去曾在華盛頓總部的National Democratic Institute (NDI)工作過,並在期間內管理一監督國會網站 OpeningParliament.org,在此網站內進行有效率的監督,目前已經被全世界超過90個國會及監督國會組織認可。現在也身為世界銀行(World Bank), National Democratic Institute(NDI) , US Agency for International Development 和其他組織的顧問。Andrew 目前發起數個與開放國會使得公民得以參與及國會參與性的工作。


  • 羅佩琪 / Peggy Lo

    衛生福利部 / Ministry of Health and Welfare


  • Peggy Luo is the sitemaster of After That Day, a one-stop post-treatment information site. Occasionally joined public sector, she is trying her best to become the jelly translator between the government and the society.


Agenda / 議程

13:00 - 13:30
報到 / Registration
13:30 - 13:40 - clkao
開場 / Opening
13:40 - 14:20 - Andrew Mandelbaum
主題演講:新科技新民主 / New technogolies and new Democracy
14:20 - 15:00 - 羅佩琪 / Peggy Lo
主題演講:網路x溝通 -- 從民間到政府 / Internet x dialogue - from the civil society to the government
15:00 - 15:30 - 下午茶與交流 / Tea Break 
15:30 - 16:30
閃電講 / Lightning talks


本活動由開放文化基金會舉辦,g0v 社群國際交流團及公民國會監督聯盟提供支援。

This event is hosted by Open Culture Foundation, and supported by the g0v community on international exchange, and the Citizen Congress Watch Taiwan.


☞ 立刻贊助國際交流計畫(含 15% 行政費用)



臺大法律霖澤館—1301多媒體教室(3 樓) / College of Law, National Taiwan University Room 1301, 3F / 台灣大學法律學院霖澤館 3 樓


票種 販售時間 售價
Regular Ticket

2015/09/25 00:00(+0800) ~ 2015/10/04 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

~ 2015/10/04 17:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費